
 A New North American Sailor Moon CD? (October 8th, 2002)
This past Sunday, Terran Child was idly looking around through amazon and noticed something interesting which she soon posted to her mailing list to see if anyone knew anything of it. It was a Sailor Moon CD, set to release in mid-November. Amazon lists the label is Koch, and going through their site, they basically have nothing regarding the CD except for the fact that it'll be released in November, as well as the UPC code, basically making the release offical. There's no track list or anything whatsoever known. Just the product codes, name, and street date. Looking at the list of Koch's other releases, it can be assumed that this CD will feature English dubbed songs, but until a track list is released, nothing can be known for sure. Here's what is known. The CD is called "Sailor Moon: The Full Moon Collection" and is set to release on Tuesday, November 12, 2002. I can't really say anything more at this point, as I know nothing more than what I just said. When more information is made availble, I'll put it up on another news article.

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